Thursday, December 27, 2012


Proof that my kids are paying attention to me even when I think they aren't...
As we are watching cartoons this morning, a commercial comes on. We usually don't watch tv (If we watch anything, it is a movie) so they aren't used to advertisements.  Normally when we do watch tv, they complain during the commercials that they want the 'movie' to come back on. But this time, EE just calmly says, "we need to watch this before our show comes on because the commercials pay for our shows."
Yes, sweet child, you are so right.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

My Savior was born WHERE??!

A few days ago, my devotions were focused on the events immediately surrounding the birth of Jesus. Maybe it is because I am just a few days removed from my own birth story, but I was struck with the details of this story in a way I never have been before.
Toward the end of my pregnancy, many of you know how absolutely uncomfortable I was. It hurt to walk, sit, sleep… anything, really!  But Mary. Sweet Mary was riding on a donkey, in the final days of her pregnancy, a distance of at least 80 miles!! When I get the chance to meet Mary in heaven, I don’t think I’ll complain to her about the aches and pains I experienced!
And then when it comes time to deliver her sweet child, she is far away from home in a town packed with travelers.  “There was no room for them in the inn.” So baby Jesus, our Lord and Savior, was born in a stable. My mom often asked me as I was growing up if I was born in a barn. Jesus was!  Mary didn’t have the luxury of a large hospital room, a crew of nurses at her disposal, and a doctor to deliver her baby. She had some hay and maybe a cow or a donkey.
As I read the birth story again, it was the cleanliness that struck me more than anything. As I prepared to deliver Kate, the nurses prepared the room for the doctor. We had some student nurses in the room, so they went about the preparations as they were supervised by other nurses. One of the students was getting all the doctors tools ready on a table. I watched her unwrap the ‘kit’… she was very careful to not touch anything except the outer wrapping. However, because she wasn’t wearing gloves, the whole kit had to be removed and a new one brought in.  The delivery room is a sterile environment!!  Stables?? Not so much!
Often, when we think about that stable, we picture that pretty little nativity scene sitting on the mantle. A nice shelter. Mary and Joseph sitting over their baby boy. Angels, shepherds, and Magi visiting. And the clean, well groomed animals sitting outside watching it all happen.  But think about it! This stable was not prepared for them in expectation of their arrival.  Mary and Joseph couldn’t find a room anywhere in Bethlehem. They settled for a stable. A stable that housed animals. Certainly they had to step over piles of poo and endure all the lovely smells that animals create. They probably had to push aside the cows and sheep and donkeys to make room for Mary. Did she lie on a nice, clean bed of hay??  No. She lay on the hay that was already being used by said animals. Dirty. It was dirty. Then Jesus was born. He was wrapped in swaddling cloths and laid in a manger – a manger used to feed the animals. But now it was a bed for the savior of the world. 
My Savior, my Jesus, was born in a dirty, stinky animal barn.  But, in the end, his blood was shed to clean me from something even dirtier and stinkier… my sin. Thank you, Jesus, for coming to earth as a baby, for being born in a stable, for living the life of a mortal man, and for giving the ultimate gift of your life to save me from my own life.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Llama llama loves her mama

This afternoon as i lay miserable on the couch just trying to catch a minute's worth of comfort, i closed my eyes and tried to shut out the world. After a few minutes, I felt little hands on my knees so i opened my eyes to see what was happening. My sweet Jada brought a blanket to me and was covering me up. Then she went and got a teddy bear for me. And, finally, she snuggled right up next to me and wrapped her little arm around me.
That sweet little girl did not leave my side until i got up from the couch.
I love her heart.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Quality Time

I’m not sure if you’ve spent much time studying Love Languages. But after spending over 4 years with my oldest, it has become unquestionable that her Love Language is Quality Time. And it becomes very apparent – in a 4 year old kind of way – when her love tank is EMPTY!  Her low fuel light has been glowing for a couple weeks, but instead of just filling her up, I thought I could get away with just putting in a gallon at a time.  That didn’t work. The kid needed a full tank of love…. And she needed it NOW.
So, Saturday morning, we went on a date.  I thought we could go to breakfast, just her and I, spend some time talking and just get caught up with each other.  She was in love with the idea!  I asked her where she wanted to go and she didn’t even have to think twice about it. “Remember that blue place next to CVS that has pancakes??!”  So, that’s where we went.
In my mind, breakfast was our date. We had a great time. I enjoyed eggs and she loved her Mickey Mouse pancake. We talked, we laughed. It was good to be one-on-one with her. We got into the van and I said something about going home.  Apparently she had different ideas, because she politely reminded me, “we still haven’t gone on our date!” So we spent 5 minutes discussing where we should go and what we should do. I nixed the idea of driving to the mall. She didn’t think CVS qualified as a date.  So we compromised. We stopped to visit Great Grandma for a bit and then headed off to Family Dollar (yes, I realize this will not count as ‘shopping’ when she gets older). We walked together, aisle by aisle, taking in all the dollar-y deals. The end of the last aisle brought us to the toddler panties. She mentioned that she didn’t have any Dora panties. I ‘mentioned’ that she didn’t really need them.  A friendly debate followed.  To make a long story short, this pregnant mama and her beautiful daughter ended up criss-cross-applesauce on the floor of Family Dollar. What started out as a conversation about new panties moved to onto life… school, family, the new baby, favorite things… regular old girl talk. I asked if she was ready to go. She said she just wanted to sit and talk a little longer. So we did. I eventually convinced her it was time to leave. So we paid for her new Dora panties and headed home.
I love spending time one-on-one with my girls. I get such a different insight into them than I do when they are together.  And for my quality time girl, it is so very necessary!  Her attitude took a complete 180 (well, maybe a 175, but I will consider that a success!!)  And that new attitude was so much easier to love. So much so, in fact, that by Sunday evening when I told her I loved her, this is the response I got: “Mommy. I know. You tell me that ALL the time!! You don’t need to say that everyday!”   Yep… she’s not a ‘words of affirmation’ type of girl!  But, unfortunately for her, I’m gonna keep on telling her. Everyday. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sweet Jada

Today you turn 3. I have mixed emotions about that.
On one hand, you never seemed ‘2’…. If it’s possible for a 2 year old to be wise beyond her years, you were! There are so many things about you – your speech, your play, your sense of humor, so many of your actions, your love and compassion – that put you up on your sister’s level. And she’s 4.
On the other hand, you are still our little baby in my eyes. Is it possible you've been in our lives for 3 years already?!
At three years old, you are still such a little cuddle-bug… there is nothing better than having you climb into my lap and lean your head on my shoulder just to sit for a moment. We learned early on that your love language is physical touch and I am more than happy to fill that love tank. I can never get enough hugs and kisses and snuggles from you!
A few weeks ago, you told me that 3-year-olds don’t suck their thumbs so you were planning to ‘kick the habit’ when you turned three.  I didn't hold my breath on that one… and it’s a good thing, because over the past week or so, it kind of became more of a joke for you. A laughing point whenever anyone brought it up. And when I mentioned it again this morning (hey… you can’t blame me for trying!) you promptly told me you were still 2. So for now, you will still suck your thumb. And along with that, it doesn't look like you will be giving up the belly button anytime soon either. That’s ok with me… because, really, there is nothing cuter than a little girl sucking her thumb and digging at her belly button while she looks at you with her deep brown eyes that say, “really, mom, I’m just that cute.” We still have 10 years before I need to worry about the orthodontist bills, so I’ll just enjoy that look for now.
Jada, you are my strong-willed child. There is no way we can pretend our way out of that truth. You are so independent. You want to have control. You don’t want to be told what to do. I would be lying if I told you this didn't present any challenges in parenting you. You and I have come head-to-head on several issues that we both want control over. Sometimes I want to let you have that control and other times I want you to realize that you are the toddler and I am the Mommy and you need to listen to me. It has been hard to find balance and compromise, but it is also sometimes humbling to see the way you can grow when I let go and let you be Jada.
If I had to pick one thing life to call your ‘favorite’ right now, it would have to be Eden. You love your sister more than I ever knew was physically possible! Where ever she is, that is where you want to be. Whatever she is doing, that is what you want to do. You also care so much about her. You don’t like to see her hurt or sad and you will often go out of your way to make her feel better… even if that means making sacrifices for yourself.
In a few weeks, you are going to switch roles. You are going to move from ‘little sister’ to ‘big sister’. There is no doubt in my mind that you will take the responsibility of big sister very seriously. You already take every opportunity you can to talk to your baby sister and love on Mommy’s belly. You tell her you love her every chance you get and you have prayed for her every night for the last seven months. This little baby is so very blessed to have you in her life!!
Jada, I am so grateful for the joy you have brought to our family! For the laughs, the loves, and the challenges. You are such a blessing and I am so grateful for the opportunity we have been given to be your earthly parents…. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings us. There is no doubt in my mind, whatever it is, you will make it interesting!! J
Love you forever,

Sunday, October 7, 2012

God is Love

If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.
If I speak God's Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, "Jump," and it jumps, but I don't love, I'm nothing.
If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love.  1 Corinthians 13:1-3 (MSG)

The Word tells us that God is Love.

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:8


If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't have God, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.
If I speak God's Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, "Jump," and it jumps, but I don't have God, I'm nothing.
If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't have God, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without God.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

take me out to the ball game!

Thanks to the wonder of facebook and it's ability to connect you to people that you would otherwise never talk to again, my dear hubby scored some free tickets to the Cubs game last weekend!
4 tickets.  Wife thinks: "What a great idea for a Saturday outing with the family!"  Husband thinks: "What 3 friends can I take along on this testosterone filled day?"

Wife wins.

So we loaded up the van on Saturday morning and headed to Chicago. Now, I must admit, I'm not a baseball fan. So, I understand why my beloved wasn't too keen on the idea of taking me and the toddlers on a trip like this. But I was SURE we could make it fun!! So I promised I would be a fan for a day and the kids would not be a bother... at least not to him.

We arrived at Wrigley about 2 hours before kick-off the first pitch. Good thing, because it was blustery and we forgot to pack hats... so, off we were to the 'official cubs merchandise' tent outside of the stadium to make our first inflated purchase of the day.... HATS!

While this one was oh-so-tempting, it didn't do much for keeping the ears warm....

So, we settled on the cute bear hats with ear flaps... until EE convinced us that her hands would get cold, too... so we sprung for the cute bear hats that had LOOOOOONG ear flaps that doubled as mittens....

Daddy got a new hat too.....

Our seats were awesome! They were club seats, row 10. But we were at the end of the row, so our seats were actually right next to the wall....

...which resulted in a game ball 'catch' for the little one  (ok, ok... it was a foul ball that didn't make it into the stands, so it was handed to her... pretty cool, nonetheless...)  I know she looks a tad bit peeved here, but she was loving it... she was petting the ball for a good 10 minutes and we almost needed the jaws of life to get that thing out of her hands.

and we even found time for a game day nap.....

When it was all said and done, I think even the husband would say it was a great day. He got to experience a long-awaited first trip to Wrigley field, I found myself cheering for the Cubbies, and the girls had an absolute ball!!  Eden loved people watching and Jada was intent on the game pretty much the whole time she was awake - and she loved dancing to the music (and our seat neighbors had a good time watching her)!
If this opportunity comes again, I'll be a nicer wife and let Nate take some friends... but a family day was what I desperately needed, and this day did not disappoint!

Monday, September 24, 2012

those three little words...

well, it's official... i'm pretty sure there is nothing better for a mother than to hear an unsolicited 'i love you' from your children.
twice this week, jada has looked at me so sweetly and simply said, "i love you, mommy." 
ahh... just what i needed!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Where do you read YOUR magazines??

Nate was sitting on the couch this morning, reading a magazine, waiting to leave for church. Eden walks in, looks at him, and asks, "why are you reading a magazine? Are you pooping?"

Thursday, September 6, 2012


My first baby.... the one that made me a mom.... has decided to grow up, with or without my approval. She has wanted to go to school since she was 2 years old. She's finally old enough.
Let me start by saying I am not one of 'those moms'... you know the ones I'm talking about. The ones that cry over milestones, the ones that can't stand to see their kids grow up. I never understood what the big deal was about sending your kid to school. I mean, that's what kids do, right??  They don't stay babies forever. And, let's be honest, as much as we love them, there's some days we can't wait for them to turn 18 and move out!!
So, with that all being said, the emotions that came along with sending my firstborn to preschool caught me completely off guard!!  I mean, it's only 3 days a week... and I'll be working anyway so why would it be any different than sending her to the babysitter??  Hmm.... apparently my heart knew how different it would be.
The tears started flowing 3 weeks ago, already!!  I innocently walked into story time at the library... just like I do every Tuesday. The story of the day?  Llama Llama Misses Mama.  Mrs. Miller barely made it past page 4 before I started losing control. I sat behind my girls, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible as I wiped the tears away. I took the tissue to my nose hoping I could pass this all off as a terrible allergy attack.  I cried till the very end. This Mama was surely going to miss her Llama.  After library time, EE told me the story made her sad. Whew!! What a relief!!  "It made mommy sad, too, Eden. What part was saddest for you?"  --  "When Llama didn't want to eat his lunch."  Hmpf. Not really what I was looking for....
Then last week we had Preschool Orientation. It was just paperwork, people. Simple rules and information. Calendars and phone numbers. And I cried. How could I not??  My baby is certainly not old enough for all this 'school stuff.'
But she is. She has never, not even once, questioned whether she was ready. My delicate flower... my introverted little girl.... my baby that won't talk to anyone that hasn't proven themselves to her.... She could not wait to start this new adventure. No jitters, no nerves, no questions... she was doing this and it couldn't happen fast enough!
So, yesterday I dropped her off for her first day. Mrs. Yoder took her hand and she walked confidently into the building and never looked back. And neither one of us cried!! :)
Before she left, she warned me she "probably wouldn't talk to anyone right away." And she didn't. But she had a great time and can't wait to go back tomorrow!!
You should see the smile that comes across her face anytime someone mentions school. Pure delight.

As I sit here with tears in my eyes wondering where her 'baby years' went, I am reminded of how fun it is to watch her grow. And I know this is only the beginning. I love her more and more every day and I imagine that isn't going to change anytime soon. Kids grow older. They change. We change. That's life.  I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like it if those changes didn't happen! I can't wait to see the wonderful lady this little 4 year old grows into. I know I'll cry more tears through this growing process, but they will be happy tears!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Take Time...

The entrance of our library has a little table that holds a vase filled with purple and brown artificial flowers. I pass them every time we enter the library without a second glance. Until a few weeks ago.
We were running a bit late for the puppet show and I was rushing the girls out of the van and into the library. We walked through the first set of double doors and Eden walked straight over to the little table that holds the flowers and started to smell them. Here were are, running late, and my daughter is smelling fake roses. So, in my hurried state of mind, I quickly said, "Eden, let's go... we're late! We don't have time to...."  And then I caught myself. I was about to tell my daughter we didn't have time to stop and smell the roses. Is that the lesson I want to teach my kids?? No!  So often, that is the way I find myself living my life, and I want better for them.
So I stopped talking and she finished smelling. And then her sister smelled them. And apparently they smell like strawberry milk! :)
I try to teach my daughters valuable life lessons every chance I get. But on that day, I was the student.  I would like to say that I really took that lesson to heart and that I 'stop to smell the roses' in every aspect of my life. I don't. But I'll tell you what I do.... I make sure to leave a few minutes early for the puppet show now, because those flowers have become a favorite of those two little girls. And I want to make sure they always have time to stop and smell them.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Oh, those brains....

Eden needed to use the restroom this morning (we were at home). She walked down the hall right past the door. I asked where she was going and she just laughed and turned around. I asked if she remembered to put her head on this morning. She said yes. Then i asked if she had a brain in her head. Her response could not have been predicted.....
"Apparently not, because i always forget where the bathroom is!!"

Thursday, August 30, 2012

time for a party...

this is a nearly word-for-word  recounting of an actual conversation i had with the oldest this morning.... 
(please read this with as much drama as you can muster up... and don't forget to throw in the extra dramatic hand motions to really get the point across)

ee: i can't find my surprise eyes ANYWHERE!!  i keep looking, but i can't find them!
mom: here they are.... aren't these your surprise eyes??
ee: NO! those are my PARTY eyes.
mom: oh, sorry, i didn't notice the difference.
ee: i don't know what i'm going to do!  ugh... i guess i will just have to go to a party!
mom: i think that sounds like a great idea! that would be fun!
ee: but no one is having a party! there is no party to go to!!
mom: well, why don't you have your own party? you could invite all your friends and have the party at your house.
ee: no, i CAN'T.
mom: why??
ee: because.... i don't have a cake!!!!!
mom: you can make a cake.
mom: well, when you call your friends to invite them to the party, maybe you could just have one of them bring a cake for you. i'm sure they would be happy to help.
ee: no, i can't do that.
mom: why?
ee: i need to BUY a cake. but i DON'T HAVE TIME!!  i guess these will just have to be my surprise eyes and not my party eyes.

and that's it.  definitely disappointed about the lack of 'real' surprise eyes and no time for a party, but i think she has come to terms with it all, as she is currently climbing a mountain (probably just working off some steam and frustrations......)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Haiti: Day by Day

Day 1: Travelling from Brighton to Miami, via Chicago:
We were all fresh, showered, and smelling good... that would not be able to be said for the next 7 days! :)
We arrived at our hotel in Miami around 11pm. We dined on pizza and watched the end of an NBA Finals game... MIA vs. OKC, maybe??

Day 2: Miami to Port au Prince:
We made it to Haiti and through customs with no problems!!
And then we waited. And waited. And waited for our ride to show up. It was hot. I had to pee. :)

Ahhh.... the tap-tap arrived!  We loaded up our luggage and our bodies and headed out towards Cabaret.

Group photo at the mass grave.
 Our home for the week... the Shernando.
 Once we got settled in, we went out to the village next door to meet the "neighbors"

 Garrett tried to play soccer with the locals. Barefoot. He got blisters. Big ones.

Day 3: Our first day at the worksite:
We worked on what will be CPR-3's Mission House. Home for the missionaries and dorms for work groups.

Ethan and Jordan starting to mix the concrete
 This is the building we were working on

 Our translator for the week....
 Holding the shovel... one of the more physical things I did all week... :)
 Ring around the rosy
 London Bridge

 These kids would braid ANYONE's hair!

 This little girl came back to the hotel with us for awhile after her caretaker dropped her off at our work site.  She was returned to her home and we were promised that she and her sister would be placed in an orphanage where they would be properly cared for.

Day 4: Crushing Moringa leaves and visiting another village:

Day 5: Back to the Mission House and planting 1,000 Moringa trees:

 My view from the top of the tap-tap
 Your view of me getting down from the tap-tap

Coloring pages

 Conner with the boys
 The Moringa field

Day 6: Sunday... visiting Church and the top of CPR-3 mountain:

 And a visit from Superman
 We kept Simon busy all day making bracelets

 Day 7: Last full day in Haiti. "Poverty Tour" through Port au Prince, a visit to the market, and the Carribbean!

 Life in a tent city

 Ahhh.... the bluest water you will ever see.
 And Kyle's baptism

Day 8: Saying goodbye and flying home:

 The ocean from a few thousand feet up... Goodbye Haiti!