Thursday, September 6, 2012


My first baby.... the one that made me a mom.... has decided to grow up, with or without my approval. She has wanted to go to school since she was 2 years old. She's finally old enough.
Let me start by saying I am not one of 'those moms'... you know the ones I'm talking about. The ones that cry over milestones, the ones that can't stand to see their kids grow up. I never understood what the big deal was about sending your kid to school. I mean, that's what kids do, right??  They don't stay babies forever. And, let's be honest, as much as we love them, there's some days we can't wait for them to turn 18 and move out!!
So, with that all being said, the emotions that came along with sending my firstborn to preschool caught me completely off guard!!  I mean, it's only 3 days a week... and I'll be working anyway so why would it be any different than sending her to the babysitter??  Hmm.... apparently my heart knew how different it would be.
The tears started flowing 3 weeks ago, already!!  I innocently walked into story time at the library... just like I do every Tuesday. The story of the day?  Llama Llama Misses Mama.  Mrs. Miller barely made it past page 4 before I started losing control. I sat behind my girls, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible as I wiped the tears away. I took the tissue to my nose hoping I could pass this all off as a terrible allergy attack.  I cried till the very end. This Mama was surely going to miss her Llama.  After library time, EE told me the story made her sad. Whew!! What a relief!!  "It made mommy sad, too, Eden. What part was saddest for you?"  --  "When Llama didn't want to eat his lunch."  Hmpf. Not really what I was looking for....
Then last week we had Preschool Orientation. It was just paperwork, people. Simple rules and information. Calendars and phone numbers. And I cried. How could I not??  My baby is certainly not old enough for all this 'school stuff.'
But she is. She has never, not even once, questioned whether she was ready. My delicate flower... my introverted little girl.... my baby that won't talk to anyone that hasn't proven themselves to her.... She could not wait to start this new adventure. No jitters, no nerves, no questions... she was doing this and it couldn't happen fast enough!
So, yesterday I dropped her off for her first day. Mrs. Yoder took her hand and she walked confidently into the building and never looked back. And neither one of us cried!! :)
Before she left, she warned me she "probably wouldn't talk to anyone right away." And she didn't. But she had a great time and can't wait to go back tomorrow!!
You should see the smile that comes across her face anytime someone mentions school. Pure delight.

As I sit here with tears in my eyes wondering where her 'baby years' went, I am reminded of how fun it is to watch her grow. And I know this is only the beginning. I love her more and more every day and I imagine that isn't going to change anytime soon. Kids grow older. They change. We change. That's life.  I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like it if those changes didn't happen! I can't wait to see the wonderful lady this little 4 year old grows into. I know I'll cry more tears through this growing process, but they will be happy tears!

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I still tear up at the beginning and end of each school year. I can't believe how fast the time really goes. Everyone said it would but I never really believed it. Until now!! :) We should plan a weekend to get together. We miss you guys!
