Wednesday, September 26, 2012

take me out to the ball game!

Thanks to the wonder of facebook and it's ability to connect you to people that you would otherwise never talk to again, my dear hubby scored some free tickets to the Cubs game last weekend!
4 tickets.  Wife thinks: "What a great idea for a Saturday outing with the family!"  Husband thinks: "What 3 friends can I take along on this testosterone filled day?"

Wife wins.

So we loaded up the van on Saturday morning and headed to Chicago. Now, I must admit, I'm not a baseball fan. So, I understand why my beloved wasn't too keen on the idea of taking me and the toddlers on a trip like this. But I was SURE we could make it fun!! So I promised I would be a fan for a day and the kids would not be a bother... at least not to him.

We arrived at Wrigley about 2 hours before kick-off the first pitch. Good thing, because it was blustery and we forgot to pack hats... so, off we were to the 'official cubs merchandise' tent outside of the stadium to make our first inflated purchase of the day.... HATS!

While this one was oh-so-tempting, it didn't do much for keeping the ears warm....

So, we settled on the cute bear hats with ear flaps... until EE convinced us that her hands would get cold, too... so we sprung for the cute bear hats that had LOOOOOONG ear flaps that doubled as mittens....

Daddy got a new hat too.....

Our seats were awesome! They were club seats, row 10. But we were at the end of the row, so our seats were actually right next to the wall....

...which resulted in a game ball 'catch' for the little one  (ok, ok... it was a foul ball that didn't make it into the stands, so it was handed to her... pretty cool, nonetheless...)  I know she looks a tad bit peeved here, but she was loving it... she was petting the ball for a good 10 minutes and we almost needed the jaws of life to get that thing out of her hands.

and we even found time for a game day nap.....

When it was all said and done, I think even the husband would say it was a great day. He got to experience a long-awaited first trip to Wrigley field, I found myself cheering for the Cubbies, and the girls had an absolute ball!!  Eden loved people watching and Jada was intent on the game pretty much the whole time she was awake - and she loved dancing to the music (and our seat neighbors had a good time watching her)!
If this opportunity comes again, I'll be a nicer wife and let Nate take some friends... but a family day was what I desperately needed, and this day did not disappoint!

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