Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sweet Jada

Today you turn 3. I have mixed emotions about that.
On one hand, you never seemed ‘2’…. If it’s possible for a 2 year old to be wise beyond her years, you were! There are so many things about you – your speech, your play, your sense of humor, so many of your actions, your love and compassion – that put you up on your sister’s level. And she’s 4.
On the other hand, you are still our little baby in my eyes. Is it possible you've been in our lives for 3 years already?!
At three years old, you are still such a little cuddle-bug… there is nothing better than having you climb into my lap and lean your head on my shoulder just to sit for a moment. We learned early on that your love language is physical touch and I am more than happy to fill that love tank. I can never get enough hugs and kisses and snuggles from you!
A few weeks ago, you told me that 3-year-olds don’t suck their thumbs so you were planning to ‘kick the habit’ when you turned three.  I didn't hold my breath on that one… and it’s a good thing, because over the past week or so, it kind of became more of a joke for you. A laughing point whenever anyone brought it up. And when I mentioned it again this morning (hey… you can’t blame me for trying!) you promptly told me you were still 2. So for now, you will still suck your thumb. And along with that, it doesn't look like you will be giving up the belly button anytime soon either. That’s ok with me… because, really, there is nothing cuter than a little girl sucking her thumb and digging at her belly button while she looks at you with her deep brown eyes that say, “really, mom, I’m just that cute.” We still have 10 years before I need to worry about the orthodontist bills, so I’ll just enjoy that look for now.
Jada, you are my strong-willed child. There is no way we can pretend our way out of that truth. You are so independent. You want to have control. You don’t want to be told what to do. I would be lying if I told you this didn't present any challenges in parenting you. You and I have come head-to-head on several issues that we both want control over. Sometimes I want to let you have that control and other times I want you to realize that you are the toddler and I am the Mommy and you need to listen to me. It has been hard to find balance and compromise, but it is also sometimes humbling to see the way you can grow when I let go and let you be Jada.
If I had to pick one thing life to call your ‘favorite’ right now, it would have to be Eden. You love your sister more than I ever knew was physically possible! Where ever she is, that is where you want to be. Whatever she is doing, that is what you want to do. You also care so much about her. You don’t like to see her hurt or sad and you will often go out of your way to make her feel better… even if that means making sacrifices for yourself.
In a few weeks, you are going to switch roles. You are going to move from ‘little sister’ to ‘big sister’. There is no doubt in my mind that you will take the responsibility of big sister very seriously. You already take every opportunity you can to talk to your baby sister and love on Mommy’s belly. You tell her you love her every chance you get and you have prayed for her every night for the last seven months. This little baby is so very blessed to have you in her life!!
Jada, I am so grateful for the joy you have brought to our family! For the laughs, the loves, and the challenges. You are such a blessing and I am so grateful for the opportunity we have been given to be your earthly parents…. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings us. There is no doubt in my mind, whatever it is, you will make it interesting!! J
Love you forever,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Let me try again:)
    What a sweet post to your baby girl! Thanks for the kind comment you left today! I think you are a great mom as well! Keep pressing on... If you think it can't get better, it really does! I love seeing the young adults those sweet 3 year olds have turned into! You are doing a great job preparing them for life! <3
