Tuesday, October 1, 2013

{Heard Around the House} September Edition

  • "I saved the day!" -Eden; she stopped Kate from crawling off the couch.
  • "There are too many great shoes to choose from!" -Eden; sitting in her closet in a puddle of tears, trying to figure out which shoes to wear. And, it starts....
  • "2 plus 3 is 5!" -Jada; not quite sure where she learned this, but it made her mama proud! 
  • "I want a new house. I'm tired of this one." -Jada; yes, she was talking about our real house... the one we live in.
  • "Holla!!" -Kate
  • "One time, when I was home with daddy, I pooped and it made a crack in my butt." -Jada; not sure if she came up with this on her own or if it's an idea that Daddy gave her...

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