Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Happy Birthday, Jada

Dear Jada,
What a year this has been for you! As I look back over the past 12 months, I’m very proud of the way you have overcome what life has thrown your way. You started the year as the baby of the family and ended it as a middle child. I wish I could say this transition was seamless, but it wasn’t. We had our ups and downs, and you proved to me that "middle child problems" aren't just something the middle children make up, they are real and they are tough… but in the end you have proven to be an even stronger little girl than you were before! You’ve mastered the role of big sister – that can be proven by the big smiles you get from Kate every time you enter a room. You get more hugs and kisses from her than anyone else does in this family! And an even bigger challenge for you in the past year was sending your big sister off to Kindergarten. For the first time in your life, you have had to face your days without Eden by your side. That was so hard for you, and it has taken several weeks for you to adjust to your “new” daytime. But you are loving it now. You still miss Eden when she is gone, but you are also having a great time with Kate while she is at school. The coolest part about this change is that you and Eden miss each other so much during the day that it makes the time you get to spend with each other in the evenings so much more meaningful… and that shows in the way you play with each other and talk with each other.
If I were asked to describe you using just one word, I would choose PASSIONATE. Your passion shows in your strong-willed, independent nature. Passion drives you to do things right and to do them yourself, the way YOU want to do them…. not how someone else tells you to do them. Passion also shows in the way you care for other people. You care deeply for others and you want the best for them. You make your feelings and opinions known (well known!), but in the end, if you are given ample opportunity to process everyone’s feelings and opinions, you will put others’ above your own.
Your love for music has been taken to a new level. In fact,when you grow up, you want to be a rockstar! It is fun to see you dance to music and to recognize and sing along with songs you know or have heard before.
Your favorite person outside of our family is Olivia. Nearly everything you do can be related back to Olivia: “I’m crazy just like Olivia.” “My hair looks like Olivia.” “I can run faster than Olivia.” “I miss Olivia.” “Is Olivia going to be there?” “Eden let’s play. My name is Olivia. Who are you going to be?”  (I don’t blame you, Olivia is pretty fun!)
You love to play pretend. You will pretend ANYTHING! And I love your imagination…it takes you places I have never even dreamed of going!
You are a big helper and often offer to help me do chores around the house. You always refer to yourself as Cinderella when you are doing these things. It kind of makes me feel bad, until I realize you are the one that offered to help and YOU are then one calling yourself Cinderella and you are loving what you are doing. So, keep it up, Cinderella!
Jada, I can’t believe you are 4. You are an awesome little girl and I love to watch you grow and change and learn. I miss you being my baby, but you are an amazing girl and I can’t wait to see the new changes life will bring your way in the next year. Take it on with the same determination you have shown up to this point. Your strength and attitude passion will serve you well as you grow. But don’t forget to sprinkle it all with grace, patience, and compassion!
Love you, sweet Jada! Happy Birthday!!


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