Tuesday, July 2, 2013

spelling bee.

I think most parents speak in code around their children when they don't want all the details of their conversation spilled to little ears.... whether that means we use secret words, speak with our eyes, or in this specific case, we spell out the key words:
So, my mom and I were talking about taking the girls to the zoo. But it's been super hot, and this mama wasn't about to take 3 little girls to the zoo in 90 degree heat. So, we decided we'd wait until that day before we decided if we would go or not. That way, if we did go it would be a surprise, if we didn't there would be no disappointment.
I was telling my hubby about these plans so he would be in-the-know, but Eden was nearby. So, I just told him my mom and I may take the girls to the Z-O-O tomorrow.
That little girl didn't miss a beat. "Z-O-O. That spells zoo!"
ugh.... secrets out.
I forget that she's learning to read. And with reading, comes spelling. Who knew??!
"Mommy, I'll tell you how I knew what that spelled. Because it's in my Kindergarten book! [gets book] See... right there... Z-O-O. They are going to the zoo. That spells zoo."

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