Tuesday, June 12, 2012

even better than a bff

as many of you know, i am an only child. so when it comes to understanding the dynamics of siblings, well, i just don't.  i love the "theory" of a sibling...a friend that knows you better than anyone else; someone who is always there; someone who drives you crazy one moment and is your best friend the next. but as far as the emotions go, i just don't know what it feels like.  i think this may be one of the [many] reasons i enjoy watching the relationship between my two girls grow and blossom. last night my heart absolutely melted because of their sibling love.
eden got scared last night. she wanted to lay next to her door so she could see my room. so, i helped her get out of bed and got her set up on the floor. of course, her little shadow (the one we affectionately call Jada) hopped right out of bed and also wanted to sleep on the floor. she made her bed right next to her big sister. they spent many minutes talking about the important things in life (numbers, cell phones, etc...) and then i heard my sweet Jada's heart speak to her sister. eden asked her why she was sleeping on the floor. simply said, "because i don't want you to be scared."
these girls truly are the best of friends. yes, they fight, but their love for each other far outweighs the bad moments. it's fun to see them be best friends, but it's even better to hear their love verbalized!

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