Tuesday, May 22, 2012


i sat on my couch tonight overwhelmed, exhausted, frustrated.... you name the adjective, i was probably feeling it. the living room was a mess. toys everywhere. i was pooped. i felt like i had been running all day even though i hadn't. i couldn't see my kitchen, but i knew the sink was full of dishes, the table was still holding the leftovers from dinner and the floor needed a good sweep and mop. and the carpet... oh, how it needed to be  vacuumed. then there was that to-do list haunting me from the back of my mind. reminding me that i had 1,000,003 things i wanted to get done today and i only did approximately 4 of them.
then, only by the grace of God, my mind shifted gears. i'm blessed. so blessed! my living room is littered with toys that don't belong there. why? because i am fortunate enough to be raising two beautiful young ladies that love to play. and those little ladies have been blessed with toys. and books. and shoes. lots of them. and i'm thankful that they love to be near me. so that is why they drag everything out of the toy room every single day. blessed.
my kitchen is a mess! what a blessing.... we don't have to worry about where our next meal is going to come from. we have so much food that no one thinks twice when their bowl of noodles dumps onto the floor. (ok... when i say 'no one' i actually just mean the 2-year-old. everyone else cares. but you get my point... we have so much food we eat till we are full and we still have some to throw away!)  my sink is full, but thanks to my hubby's loving heart, i now have a dishwasher that will clean those dishes if i only take two minutes to load it. blessed.
i only got 4 things done on my to-do list, but i got those things done because the Lord has blessed me with a wonderful friend that kidnaps my kids so i can have a day to myself. BLESSED!
i'm tired. EXHAUSTED. every waking moment all i can think about is the next opportunity i have to sleep. because, once again, the Lord is allowing me the opportunity to be the mother to one of his children. and i get to grow that child inside of me. and that just wears a girl out, plain and simple. after nearly 2 years of crying every month thinking i would never be a mom, my God flipped my world and filled it with babies and showed me that He certainly does know the plan he has for me. so, yes i'm tired, but it is because i am SO VERY BLESSED.
thank you, Lord, for this life you have blessed me with. and thank you for my first-world problems. i know there are many people in the world that would love these 'problems'. i'm thankful for the home i get to clean - because it's mine. i'm thankful for the kids i get to pick up after - because they're mine. i'm thankful that i don't have enough time at home - because i have a job. i'm thankful for the friends i never get to see because we are all too busy - because i know they are still my friends. thank you. AMEN.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Kari! And congrats!

    From friends you never get to see...;)
