Monday, October 24, 2011

Jada Elyse. 2.

My dear, sweet Jada --
You are two! When did that happen? It seems like just yesterday you made your mad-dash of an entrance into this world... and you've been going strong ever since!
It has been so fun to watch you grow and change over these past two years. One thing has never changed, though -- your spirit!  You are so fun-loving and you know how to make people laugh. You are so sensitive to other people's feelings. You constantly put other people's needs above your own.  Your sweet smile and deep brown eyes are enough to melt anyone you come in contact with.
You are so hard to discipline. Not because you don't give us plenty of opportunity (you DO!) -- but because you are so stinkin' CUTE! As soon as you do something bad, you just give that look that says, "c'mon, that was funny..." You will never know how hard it is to try to conceal how funny you truly are! :)
You are a talker. You have been putting together long sentences for over 6 months now. It is so amazing to me to just listen to you talk. You are a very good speaker and have an excellent grasp of how to put your thoughts together.
Jada, you are such an independent spirit. You want to do everything yourself and you usually have enough determination behind you to get it done!! Daddy and I are rarely allowed to help you. We have learned to just let you know that we are available to help you if you need us, then we just step back and watch you learn... it's hard to watch you cry in these situations, but it's so rewarding to see you accomplish something new on your own. (and, i must admit, it is heart-warming when you finally give in with a 'help me, mommy.')
Your love for your big sister is the truest expression of love i have ever witnessed. I never experienced the 'sibling relationship,' and it has truly been a joy to experience that bond through you and Eden. Thank you for showing me this kind of unconditional love.
Your likes and dislikes: your favorite songs are Jesus loves me and "daddy's song" (DC-10 by Audio Adrenaline). Your favorite breakfast is pancakes. Your favorite movies are Dora and Strawberry Shortcake. Your favorite baby is Baby Belle. When you go to bed, you want a baby and a book,  but you absolutely DO NOT want a blanket. You are still loving your thumb and your belly button. If given the option, you will choose to stay in your jammies all day. You love to read. You say that you enjoy story time at the library, but you definitely do not like the puppets!  Favorite food?? Nope... no favorites... you just love food!
I can't wait to see what new and exciting changes we will experience with you in the next year as you grow and learn even more!!
I love you Jada Elyse,

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