Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm going to Haiti!

yep. me. next summer.
and i'm so excited!
i'm looking forward to seeing how God is going to use me. i have daydreams... i make up scenarios... my heart leaps with excitement for the things i imagine i will experience. and then i get even more excited when i realize this is God's thing... which means it's going to be way cooler than anything i can dream up.
i am going as a leader with our youth group from Brighton Chapel. please pray for our group as we begin to prepare for this amazing trip. pray that our hearts will be prepared for the sights we will see and the people we will meet. and also pray for the people that we will come in contact with. pray that we will have a lasting effect on them and that we will have unending opportunities to share the gospel with the lost people of this country.
i am attaching a copy of my mission letter so you can read more about this opportunity. i know i've already said it, but above all, please pray!! :)

I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart.”  Psalm 40:8

October 1, 2011

Dear Friends and Family,

As you may know, for the past year, Nate and I have been involved as sponsors with our youth group at Brighton Chapel. In that year, we have grown a deep passion for these kids and have been so blessed as we watch them grow in their relationship with our Lord.  We have been given an opportunity to grow even deeper with God and with our youth group, and I would like to share that opportunity with you.

Our youth group is going on a mission trip to the country of Haiti in the summer of 2012. As you probably know, Haiti is a small, island nation that struggles with such things as extreme poverty, a lack of clean water, and a recent, catastrophic earthquake that killed thousands and destroyed much. As Haiti struggles with these issues, the door stands open for people to travel there to physically offer assistance, and also – and even more important – to share the love of God with the people there.

We will be doing a variety of things while on this trip, including working with orphaned children, assisting in water-purification projects, various small work projects, and sharing our faith in Christ. I have been blessed with the opportunity to help lead our group as we go on this mission. Nate has offered to stay home with Eden and Jada to allow me the opportunity to spend a week of my summer growing in my relationship with Christ and serving those less fortunate by sharing God’s love.

I am writing to inform you of this opportunity I have and asking you to pray for me and for our team of leaders and students from Brighton Chapel. Please pray that the Lord will make this trip a reality, that He will give us safety as we travel, and that He will watch over us as we serve.

I am also asking if you would consider partnering with me financially. The total cost for each participant on the trip is $1500. This cost covers transportation, lodging, food, and supplies – really, everything. Each person is working to raise enough to cover his/her own costs. I do understand that this is a hard time economically for many people. If you cannot afford a contribution toward my trip, I would love it if you would simply agree to pray for me and for our team!  Whether you are able to help financially or by lifting me up in prayer, I would like to thank you so much.

If you would like to read more about the organization we are serving with, you can visit their website at If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me at 260.463.6553 and I will do my best to answer them.

Thank you so much for prayerfully considering how you can help me with my mission trip.

In His love,

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’”  Isaiah 6:8

Kari Mauck                                                                                               Your Name_____________________________
0250 N 010 W                                                                                           Your Address___________________________
LaGrange, IN 46761                                                                                                   ___________________________        

_____ Yes, I will pray for you as you prepare to go to Haiti. I will pray for the Lord to give you safety,
that you grow you in your love for Him, and that He will prepare you to serve!
_____ Yes, I will support you with a gift of $_____.__ to help with this trip.
                Checks can be made out to Brighton Chapel and are totally tax deductible.

Please return the bottom portion of this page to my address listed above,
 and keep the attached letter as a reminder to pray for our group.
Thank you!

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