Thursday, May 12, 2011


Sleeping bags and princess dresses and dancing shoes and baby dolls and pizza and ice cream.... Eden went to her first sleepover on Tuesday. Her babysitter invited 6 little girls over to help celebrate her birthday. I was hesitant from the moment we received the invitation, but Eden never wavered in her excitement!
I never thought I would be so over protective, but right up to the moment we pulled into her driveway, i was double- and triple- checking with Eden to make sure she 'really wanted to do this'.
So, I kept my phone nearby and fretted and prayed most of the evening. I should have just calmed down and enjoyed the quiet!!
When I dropped Jada off Wednesday morning, Eden barely had time to talk to me. And she certainly didn't take the time to tell me that she missed me!!!
According the sitter, Eden -- and all the girls -- were bouncing off the walls all evening and woke up before 6 the next morning to continue the party!! Eden was the last one to settle down at bed time.... still jumping around when everyone else was drifting into dreamland.
I've said this so many times in the last 3 years.... I can't even begin to imagine how many more times I will say it, but: kids grow up too fast!! They are changing before our eyes!! I'm so glad that we are apparently raising a very independent, confident little (big) girl.
After I left the babysitter's Wednesday morning, I called Nate to lament about how big our baby is getting. He, of course, made fun of me and my emotions. And while I was happy to joke along with him, all I could think was that in 2 years my baby will be in school!! I know it's still 2 years away, but I'M NOT READY!!!! :)
At dinner Wednesday night Eden filled us all in about the party. She really did have a wonderful time. I can't wait for her to be able to do this again. On the other hand, maybe I can.... because after spending an evening with 5 other girls, she has informed me that she needs 2 princess sleeping bags, a polka dot pillow, and Ariel panties!!
{seriously... Ariel panties.... this one almost ended our world. she took all her panties out of her drawer, told me she didn't like any of them, and desperately plead to go get Ariel panties. Now. Rest assured, that did not happen. Yet.}

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