Friday, May 27, 2011

Knock, Knock!!

So, we have desperately been trying to get Jada to sleep all night in her room without bothering us with her screams and other-such nonsense in the middle of the night. Since she still isn't able to open doors, we just latch her door at night so the worst thing she can do is stand at the door and cry -- but at least she can't stand at our bedside and cry or run up and down the hallways screaming for mommy.
Well, she found a new tactic last night. At the first wake-up call, I hear a little cry, a pitter-patter of little feet towards the door, and then a 'knock knock knock' at the door. Yes, friends, my dear Jada was knocking on the door to get out. How can I not laugh about that?? So, I got up and put her back into bed. This happened 2 more times last night. The last time was the best.... not only was she knocking on the door, but she also verbalized it (in case I didn't hear the knocking??) While she was knocking, I also heard a tiny little voice saying, "knock knock! knock knock!"
I love that kid!! I may be lacking in sleep recently, but I look at that cute face and the funny things she does, and suddenly it seems totally worth it all!


  1. I didn't know you have a blog!! I clicked from my blog and it brought me to yours! I'm so glad you are doing this! I have been wondering how you guys have been! As to Jada, this is why Owen is still in a crib. You know how cheap we are but we actually spent money to get another crib so that Owen wouldn't be able to escape. I love how cute Jada is!! I can just picture her doing this. Hope all is well with you guys! Love Stacy

  2. I am your first follower! Thanks for starting this blog! I am so looking forward to more fun stories! I can't believe Jada is in a bed already! Love ya!
