Thursday, April 14, 2011


We just returned from our family vacation.... what a wonderful vacation it was!!
Last year, we went to the Dakota's with Nate's family to visit his uncles and their families. So this year we turned the tables and visited my family.
Our family and my Mom & Dad all flew out to California to visit my Aunt & Uncle in Half Moon Bay. I am eternally grateful to my parents for footing the bill for the travel arrangements. If it weren't for this fabulous gift, we could not have afforded this vacation this year. So, Mom & Dad, Thank You!!!!
We left on Saturday, April 2 and flew from Chicago to San Fransisco. We had a great flight and all my fears about flying with the girls were washed away when Jada dozed off while we were still taxiing down the runway and Eden was full of giggles as the plane took off. She kept squealing with delight, "we fwying on a airpane, we fwying on a airpane!!"
After gathering our luggage and picking up the rental car, we were off to Half Moon Bay. We arrived around 12am. We stayed up and chatted for about an hour then decided we should probably get to bed since it was 4am our time and the girls were still awake!! :)
Sunday we just spent a lazy day on the ranch so we could recuperate from the long day of travel on Saturday. We got a tour of the ranch, met some of the neighbors and some of the animals and then headed to the pool to take a swim. It didn't take the girls long at all to become little fish in the water!!
Monday was forecast to be a beautiful day, so we took that opportunity to head to San Fransisco to be tourists for a day. We drove up and down hills for awhile until we came across the park where the opening credits of 'Full House' were shot. So we took our obligatory pictures of the row houses, walked around to stretch our legs for a bit, then headed off to the Golden Gate Bridge. Everyone I had talked to that had been here before warned me that 'it's just a bridge.' They were right... I've seen more magnificent things in my life, but there is still something to be said about seeing 'that' bridge with your own eyes. Nate and I wanted to take on the bridge with our own two feet, so I chose to walk it and Nate ran it (3 times, to be exact). I got lots of pictures and now at least I can say I did it. After the bridge, we headed to Pier 39 for lunch/dinner and to hit up some gifty shops. We had a great time, but we cut our time in the city a little short so we could rush home to see Butler get mangled in the NCAA final game.
Tuesday was another relaxing day spent on the ranch. We visited some areas we didn't get to see on Sunday. Nate decided to take the girls on a wagon ride up the the Fogg House. It may look like a nice fun walk from a distance, but the hills on that ranch have no mercy. I helped him push/pull for awhile, but I'm not going to lie... when the opportunity came to hitch a ride in the van the rest of the way up, I didn't think twice!!! I tried to convince Nate it was the thing to do, but he wasn't about to cave. When we got to the top, I came face-to-face -- or should I say spur-to-calf with the world's most evil rooster. That stinkin' thing attacked me twice and I have the markings to prove it!! After heading to town for a late lunch, we came back to the house early again to watch yet another Indiana team (ND girls) take a beating in the finals.
Wednesday we did a driving tour of the coast and through some redwoods.
Thursday we got to go to San Jose to visit Adriane. It was so good to see her again and nice to finally see where she is living. While we were in town, we went to the San Jose Children's Museum. That place was so much fun! I'm pretty sure I would go back again even if I didn't have any children with me. :) The high points for the girls were the bubble room and the water room. I'm not gonna try to hide it... they were my favorites, too!
Friday was our last full day in California. Nate wanted to do his run down on the ocean trail, so Aunt Jean drove him down and the rest of us met them down there after his run. Since we were planning on going into town to do some shopping, I told Nate he should take a dip in the ocean so he wouldn't be so sweaty and stinky. He took me up on my challenge!! Apparently his feet went numb as soon as the water touched them but the rest of his body didn't feel so bad.... :) After spending a little time on the beach, we headed out. Next stop was a store called 'Twice as Nice'. The best way I can describe it is like a 'Big Lots' -- only much cooler! Nate and I got a little wrapped up in the bargain hunting and once the final bill was totaled, we were wondering if it was really such a great deal.... but we got lots of nice stuff and still spent much less than we would have else where on the same stuff!
Overall, the week was great. It's been a long time since I've felt so relaxed and refreshed. Even Nate - who doesn't know how to vacation - had a great time and didn't miss work at all. The girls really enjoyed themselves. Eden is still talking about Aunt Jean and White Cat and if you ask Jada if she misses California, she'll answer with a confident "Yeah."
Before we went, I didn't understand what my parents meant when they said they could go out there and spend the whole week never leaving the ranch. Now I get it. It is a fantastic getaway and I can't wait to go back and visit again!!

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