Tuesday, April 5, 2011


it's the little things.... a couple days ago, i noticed eden very focused on her buttons on her p.j.'s. she was absolutely determined to get those things buttoned up. she was unsuccessful that time around, but it was a huge moment for me. just another sign that my little girl is growing up and yearning and learning to be a big, big girl. so, i weeped a little inside and then just bucked up and helped her button up. and she immediately started trying to unbutton them. always trying something new....
every day i miss the 'baby' in her, but i rejoice in the 'big girl' she's becoming.
i love being a mom.

UPDATE:: as of May 16, 2011 the button has been conquered! a note to any other closure devices out there -- watch out, this kid is a woman on a mission and you just may be next!!! :)

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