Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Selective Mutism

October is Selective Mutism Awareness month.
I haven't mentioned this for 2 reasons: 1- I had no idea this was the case until a few days ago. 2- there are several other life threatening things that have awareness months that are much more deserving of our attention.
However, I feel awareness is important because that's really all this disorder needs. These kids need people to understand them and be aware of why they are silent!
BUT, the only reason I bring this up now is because of this VERY EXCITING announcement... Eden TALKED to her teacher yesterday!! This is such a big deal, people... HUGE for her! And this is my proud mommy moment and I just wanted to share it with you all because you are my friends and family. (However, don't say anything to her about it because that would embarrass her and potentially be a setback)
She whisper-read 3 books to her teacher. Up to this point, she hadn't uttered a single word to any of her teachers. Ever.
She has 2 'whisper buddies' at school that I am so grateful for. One of them is her best friend. She came home from her first day of Kindergarten last year and informed me that she had a new best friend. I laughed it off that day. Two weeks later we had a play date with the BFF and her mom. It only took about 15 minutes for Eden to start talking and laughing with her friend that day. That's when I knew this relationship was as real as it gets for 5 year olds and it needed to be fostered. It is because of this sweet girl that my daughter was able to communicate with her teacher last year. Anything Eden needed to say, she whispered to her friend and her friend told her teacher. Not ideal, but perfect for Eden.
Her second whisper buddy was in her class last year and is in her class again this year. Because of that familiarity, she was comfortable enough to make this friend her classroom buddy this year.
Eden has done all of her oral reading with this buddy this year. Occasionally her teacher would ask Eden to read with her, but as much as Eden wanted to, she wasn't able to. But her desire overcame her fear yesterday!!
I am so, so, so thankful for all the fabulous teachers that Eden has been blessed with so far. They have loved her and made her comfortable and have all been a part of this milestone... because none of them shut her down or shut her out. And I'm especially grateful for this teacher that was doing it right when it mattered. Eden could have been ready any time, and I'm so glad that when the time came she was met with a teacher that was patient and open to whatever Eden was ready for.
We still have big steps to make, but I think this one was the biggest. School is the hardest place for SM kids to use their brave voices. I'm not sure what it is, but most SM kids have their biggest struggles in school. In some situations, the school is considered emotionally contaminated... those kids will never be able to speak in school (unless they are otherwise 'cured' and are able to move to a new school and start fresh). I am so glad this is not the case for our daughter! I overcame my SM when I was in 1st grade... my prayer has always been that Eden would be over it by then, too... It appears that we are now on the fast track, folks, and I'm so excited!!

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