Thursday, June 20, 2013


Sometimes parenting is exhausting.
Sometimes discipline is hard.
Sometimes you wonder if the work is even worth it.
Sometimes you wonder if anyone even hears you.
Sometimes it seems that all your attempts are wasted.
Sometimes your attempts to raise responsible, respectful little humans seem futile.
Sometimes you feel like all you do is yell.
Sometimes it seems as though the only word you say is no.
(Sometimes it seems as though the only word your kids say is no!)
Sometimes you just wish for one day to go…. smoothly.
Sometimes you wonder when the last time was that you actually just relaxed.

Sometimes it’s fun.
Sometimes you laugh more than you cry.
Sometimes you see a glimmer of hope.
Sometimes you hear a ‘please’ or a ‘thank you’. Or, even better, an ‘I’m sorry’ or an ‘I forgive you’.
Sometimes you get hugs and kisses.
Sometimes you see the results of your faithful training.

Sometimes your cranky 3-year-old comes to you at 10am and voluntarily tells you she is going to lay in bed until lunch time. Because even she knows that she needs a time out. And she comes out 30 minutes later as a completely different little lady.

Sometimes that’s all you need to keep plugging away, one day at a time, loving these little people with your whole being, knowing you are doing your best and nobody can ask anymore of you.

Sometimes I think this is more than I signed up for, but ALL THE TIME I know that I wouldn’t want it any other way!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

{heard around the house) June Edition

  • "I'm just not fast. God just made some people that way." -Jada; she seriously is sooooo sloooowww.....
  • "Can I spend the night? Because today is tomorrow." -Jada; I've heard these comments a lot recently, as she tries to figure out time relationships 
  • "This is NOT making my day." -Eden; super pouty, because she didn't get the princess cup
  • "Mommy, I almost called God 'Daddy'!!" -Jada; she laughed about it, she had no idea how much that 'mis-speak' swelled my heart
  • "mmmmm....." -Kate; as she pulled her thumb out of her mouth and admired it. Must be tasty!
  • "This IS the crazy house!" -Eden; when her daddy told her he was going to send her to the crazy house

Monday, June 10, 2013

Talk to text

Eden was having fun with the talk to text feature on my phone last night... Seriously, so many giggles. She's fun :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

{heard around the house} May Edition

  • "Knock, knock, knock. Penny! Knock, knock, knock. Penny!" -Jada; ahhhh BBT
  • "Mommy! We're helping Kate do somersaults!!" -Eden; note to self... the big girls are NOT ready to babysit. (no worries, Kate survived. And i removed her from the dangerous situation.)
  • "This is the best lice treatment ever. Because we get to do it together!" -Jada; yeah, it's been a long 6 weeks around here. I'm about to burn down the house...i think that's the only way to  kill those bugs!
  • "I'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow your butt down!" -Jada; unprompted, in the middle of dinner.
  • "No more monkeys humping in the bed." -Eden; I don't know what to say... She's her father's daughter??
  • "I got skillz...." -Jada; because she used her hair tie to shut the light off. Serious skills.
  • "Mommy, when will I be old enough to go to Haiti?" -Eden; I really can't wait to take her!
  • "Thank you." -Kate; after I told her how beautiful she is.
  • "Mommy, I need to go pee - I have a headache." -Jada