Tuesday, January 31, 2012

here we grow.....

This picture was taken in April 2007. I grew out my hair and donated it to Locks of Love. And I swore I would NEVER do it again.
It's not that I didn't want to donate to a good cause. But my hair looked terrible!!  It was long, scraggly, and just plain yucky looking. I lived in a pony tail for the last several months because, really, what else could I do??! 
I have enjoyed my short hair for the last 4+ years, but I'm about to commit to something, as noted previously, I said i would never do again.  I'm growing it out.
In the past 2 years, I have crossed paths with so many people whose lives have been affected by cancer. Each 'announcement' weighs heavier and heavier on my heart. Cancer is brutal and completely unfair (yes, I know, 'no one ever said life was fair.')  And it takes so much away from its victims.  And I can't stand the fact that I feel like there is nothing I can do to help. Yes, I pray. And I know God hears those prayers and answers them, but I like to feel like I'm doing something more tangible, and I just can't.
My breaking point came last month when my cousin's son was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma.  He's 13. It's not fair. I wish I could do something.
Last year, for the first time, I was able to see the benefit of a hair donation. A young girl from our church has been battling Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, and she was able to trade in her beautiful bandanas for a head full of hair. And I'm guessing that's a pretty big deal for a high school girl!
So, this is my official announcement. My hair will be getting longer. It might not look pretty, but I'm not doing it to be fashionable, I'm doing it in an effort to help. It's a tiny piece, but a bunch of tiny pieces can come together to make a beautiful puzzle.
And I'm asking you, as my friends, to hold me accountable.  I will tell you right now that in about 4 months I am going to threaten to cut it all off. Please don't let me!!
And if anyone has any suggestions about a good organization to donate to, feel free to pass them on to me!
Here's to another 10+ inches.....


  1. I too hate having long straggly hair. Love your heart and willingness to put up with yucky hair for someone who will be so in love with it!

  2. What an honor! Sam is sleeping now, but I will definitely share it with him. Cancer is rotten! Sam just finished a round of vomiting after 4 hours of chemo. Poor kid.
