Tuesday, September 6, 2011

new sleeping arrangements

Night #1 can definitely be deemed a success!
yes, there is still some work to be done. yes, jada still needs a mattress.... i realize that is vital to a good night's sleep... but it was labor day and there were no stores in lagrange county open for us to buy a cheap mattress. but she seemed content with her little bed for now.
the bunk beds were my idea. i was certain they would both sleep better at night if they weren't sleeping alone. but i was still super-duper nervous. if you have read my previous posts, you know we have to 'trap' jada in her room at nights because she has a tendency to get up and walk out in the middle of the night and bug the rest of us.  and for those of you that don't know, one of the major things missing from this room is.... wait for it.... a DOOR. yikes. you can understand why i was nervous. i thought for sure the night would go something like this: the girls lay down for bed, mom and dad leave the room, girls laugh and talk and dance and giggle and do all things unrelated to sleeping, girls eventually fall asleep, then one girls wakes up crying which wakes up the other girl, jada wakes up continuously throughout the night and comes to my room just because she can, blah, blah, blah... you get my point... i didn't expect to sleep last night!!
but i was pleasantly surprised.  yes, they chatted, but we never had to go in to tell them it was time to sleep... they figured that out on their own. i had to get up once because eden needed to pee-pee and, in her words, "i not know how to go down dat ladder. it not have enough steps."
so, we all slept well last night, and they are currently in the midst of nap #1 in the new room and everyone is fast asleep.
love those girls!

1 comment:

  1. Quick question: Is Eden a sound sleeper that doesnt move around a lot. Charlotte has been asking for a bunk bed so her and sissy can sleep together but I am TERRIFIED that Charlotte will fall out of a bunk bed. Thoughts? Advice?
