Monday, August 15, 2011

God knows what's best for us.

This is the Parent Talk excerpt from the Sunday School materials Eden brought home for this month. I liked the message and thought I'd share.

As a parent, we look to others for advice. We look to those who have been there before us. We look to our parents, our friends, experts in the field. However, we often forget to look to the ultimate provider of guidance. God knows what's best for us. Always and forever. he knows best. The Bible says, "God's way is perfect, " (Psalm 18:30). It doesn't say your friend's way is perfect. It doesn't say your parent's way is perfect. It says "God's way is perfect. " God's way.
How do we know God's way? We spend time with Him. Through His word, prayer, a community of believers, we hear His voice. We hear love, grace, and wisdom. We hear His commands. And when we obey these commands, we are doing it His way. His way is perfect. It will lead us where he wants us to go. it may not be the easiest way, but it is the best way. God knows what's best for us.

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