Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Where's Daddy?

Jada's first words this morning when she woke up this morning. I love how much my girls love their daddy!!
"Where Daddy??"
"Daddy is at work"
"So he can provide for our family and take care of us. Daddy makes sure we have a house to live in and food to eat."
"Eat house??"
"No... we eat FOOD. We LIVE in our house."
"Eat food?"

Sunday, August 28, 2011

that baby in my belly.

No... this is not an announcement. Just a really funny story.
I wasn't going to write about it, but it keeps coming up in our house and I decided it deserved to be shared.

A couple weeks ago, EE and I were chatting in the evening and I told her that she was going to Miss Amanda's [the babysitter] the next day. This is the conversation that follows:
EE: "Why"
Mom: "Because I have to go to work tomorrow."
EE: "But pretty soon you will have that baby in your belly and then you won't have to go to work anymore."
Mom: shocked. "Www...ww...WHAT?"
EE: "Pretty soon you will have that baby in your belly then you won't go to work anymore!"
Mom: "But I don't have a baby in my belly."
EE: "Yes you do. And when it come out of your belly then you not have to go to work anymore."
Mom: still confused
EE: "And when you have that baby then there will be 4 girls and only 1 boy!!" *laughs*
Mom: "So the baby is going to be a girl?"
EE: "Yes, I not want a boy."
*** This conversation continues for some time. She finally confesses that Isabella's mommy is having a baby and that's where she got the idea. I have to admit, this calmed my fears a bit. She was speaking with so much confidence I was starting to fear I may have a prophet on my hands!!
So the next morning when we go to Miss Amanda's I tell her this funny story. And she tells me that Isabella's mommy is NOT having a baby!! Nobody's mommy is as far as she knows.
And a few days later it comes up again. She again laughs because daddy will be the only boy. And this time she has a name. We will name the baby Allison (she names ALL her babies Allison). This is named after her favorite twins, Allison and Jaren. And then she has a new insight. I'm having twins. Because she wants babies like Jaren and Allison to live at our house. But she's concerned about where everyone will sleep. Don't worry -- we got it figured out. She initially thought it would be best for daddy to just sleep in the basement with the babies. But after a little brainstorming, we figured out a way for everyone to stay upstairs. Whew.


Eden keeps calling Jada 'sweet.'
"Hey Sweet." "C'mere, Sweet." "Did you see that, Sweet?" "I'll be right back, Sweet."
How sweet.

Monday, August 15, 2011

God knows what's best for us.

This is the Parent Talk excerpt from the Sunday School materials Eden brought home for this month. I liked the message and thought I'd share.

As a parent, we look to others for advice. We look to those who have been there before us. We look to our parents, our friends, experts in the field. However, we often forget to look to the ultimate provider of guidance. God knows what's best for us. Always and forever. he knows best. The Bible says, "God's way is perfect, " (Psalm 18:30). It doesn't say your friend's way is perfect. It doesn't say your parent's way is perfect. It says "God's way is perfect. " God's way.
How do we know God's way? We spend time with Him. Through His word, prayer, a community of believers, we hear His voice. We hear love, grace, and wisdom. We hear His commands. And when we obey these commands, we are doing it His way. His way is perfect. It will lead us where he wants us to go. it may not be the easiest way, but it is the best way. God knows what's best for us.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

on another level...

if you are interested in other facets of my life (besides those cute little girls of mine), hop on over to myhealingbegins.blogspot.com
i've been documenting my journey through ppd as i try to muddle through and find the new and improved 'normal me'. i have finally decided that it is ok to let others peek into this life and am hoping this is the next step in my healing.
your questions and comments are welcome and encouraged!