Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"I have an idea!"

a 3 year old's reasoning....

On Sunday, we went to lunch with my parents. Since we had been gone for a week, I knew Eden would need a Grammie-fix and I was sure J would want to see her Grandpa.
As we were eating, Eden looks at me slyly and says, "Who am I going to go home with?" This brought a smile to my face. Of course she wanted to go home with Grammie. I told her she was going home with me because she needed to take a nap and get ready to go pick up daddy. Grammie helped me out by telling Eden that she didn't even have a car seat in her car anyway. And converstation moved in a different direction.
About 10 minutes later as we were cleaning up and getting ready to leave, Eden comes to me excitedly and I can tell a light bulb has just gone off in her head.... "Mommy! I have an idea!!"
"What is it?"
"Maybe we could just take a carseat out of our van and put it in Grammie's car!"
Brilliant... why didn't I think of that?? :)
That kid's mind never stops working....

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