Thursday, July 28, 2011


Eden and Jada were "shopping" together today. They must've had a lot on their list, because they were shopping for a long time and going to a lot of stores.
Then I heard Eden say, "Jada, when we are done at this store, we need to go to CVS." Ahh.... music to her Mama's ears. That kid knows where to find a good deal! :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"I have an idea!"

a 3 year old's reasoning....

On Sunday, we went to lunch with my parents. Since we had been gone for a week, I knew Eden would need a Grammie-fix and I was sure J would want to see her Grandpa.
As we were eating, Eden looks at me slyly and says, "Who am I going to go home with?" This brought a smile to my face. Of course she wanted to go home with Grammie. I told her she was going home with me because she needed to take a nap and get ready to go pick up daddy. Grammie helped me out by telling Eden that she didn't even have a car seat in her car anyway. And converstation moved in a different direction.
About 10 minutes later as we were cleaning up and getting ready to leave, Eden comes to me excitedly and I can tell a light bulb has just gone off in her head.... "Mommy! I have an idea!!"
"What is it?"
"Maybe we could just take a carseat out of our van and put it in Grammie's car!"
Brilliant... why didn't I think of that?? :)
That kid's mind never stops working....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Potty Training Bliss

A ready toddler + summertime = bare-bottom potty training.
And it also creates stories like these....

Eden, somewhat panicked: "Mommy, there someting on da floor."
Me (thinking she was referring to Jada's leftover mac & cheese, since she's kind of a clean freak): "I know, babe, I'll clean it up in a little bit. I'm finishing up in the living room."
EE: "Mommy, is dat poop?"
Me: "WHAT?"
[goes to kitchen to look] [finds BIG turd]
Me: "Jada! Poopy goes in the potty!!"
Jada: [smiles]

That kid. At least it was solid. Cuz last time it wasn't. :/

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

testing? testing?? 1, 2, 3....

Eden has officially become a tester.... she has dabbled in this a bit over the past couple years, but she is becoming quite the professional.... and she is also trying her hand at pushing Mommy's buttons and is proving to be very good at that as well!!
Last night she was rewarded for this behavior with an early bedtime, no jammie party, and no stories. I was pretty shocked when she obeyed the command to go to bed with no arguments at all!! About an hour later, she called me into her room. When I asked her what she needed, she calmly reminded me that I forgot to read her a story. And I calmly reminded her that she chose to give up story time in exchange for disobeying mommy and daddy.... maybe she'll remember this tonight....
But just in case she doesn't, pray for Nate and I as we try to patiently work through this stage....


Our house is filled with 'why' nowadays... why, mommy? why? why? why?
eden has been faithfully asking this question for a little over two years... i'm growing weary, but i just keep answering. i suppose you can imagine i was a little less than thrilled when jada started asking this same, favorite, question a couple months ago. why? why?
it did make me laugh the day that eden yelled at jada for asking why:
"jada, stopping saying why! you say why too much!!!" ....hmmmm... i wonder where she learned it from??
for some reason, this is a very frustrating stage for me. but i love that my kids are curious. i try very, very hard to not answer with the simplest "because" -- i know that's not the answer they are looking for and i know that is not teaching them the things they need and want to learn. but somedays i just want to ask them "why" they keep asking why!!!