Monday, June 13, 2011

My weekend as it relates to food.

ok... you won't too often find me blogging about the things i eat, but i just feel like my meals this weekend deserve a little attention!
nate and i went to anderson this weekend to work on the rental. we ate a quick dinner at home before leaving friday evening. but once we got on the road, i got a real hankerin' for some ice cream. we stopped at ick-donalds because we had a b1g1 coupon and an oreo mcflurry sounded mighty delightful. when we pulled up to the drive-thru menu, nate asked, "does that say rolo mcflurry?" WHAT? rolo mcflurry??! whose amazing idea was that? so we each got one. i must say, the first bite i took of that dessert may be one of the most divine things i have ever tasted. pure yummy-ness. mmmm..... i couldn't finish the whole thing because it was way too sweet and i was seriously about to get sick over it. (i felt even more sick a few minutes later when i found out they had a snack-size!)
next stop: saturday night dinner. when we lived in anderson, there was a penguin point directly across the street from our house. soon after we moved out, they closed. (i promise, these two changes were not directly related. we did not keep them in business.) apparently, at some point, a mexican restaurant tried to make a go of it there, but that was unsuccessful. when we were down memorial day weekend, we noticed someone was getting ready to open a new hamburger joint on june 1. we decided we would go this weekend just to reminice about the days when we could just walk across the street to get some fast food. well, saturday morning when we got up, there was already cars in the parking lot. by the time they opened at 10:30am the parking lot was full and from that point on it remained full ALL DAY. we ended up heading over there a little after 7. we had to wait in line quite awhile, but it was totally worth the wait. yummy burgers and UNLIMITED fries (not that i needed any more, but it was cool to know that i could get more if i wanted them....) so.... if you live in a-town, check our Hamburger High on 38th street. [[and while you are there, take a look at the cute little house across the street. if you would like to buy it, give me a call!]]
our final report-worthy meal of the weekend: sunday lunch. we just decided to stop by subway on the way out of town to pick up a couple sandwiches. nate pulled in the parking lot and as he was driving to the the drive thru, i caught a glimpse the sign in the front window, but i didn't have a chance to read it all before he drove by. so i made him back up. i got a "seriously??" and a big eye roll, but he backed up anyway. mmmmm..... chicken chipotle and cheese. that's what the sign said and i was sold! it tasted just as good as it sounded and nate even thanked me for making him back up to read the sign. you're welcome.
so, in conclusion... 3 things you need to try before your time on earth is done: rolo mcflurry, hamburger high, and chicken chipotle and cheese.
commercial over.
i now return you to your regularly scheduled blogging.

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