Saturday, February 1, 2014

it's still winter here.

Dear January,
I need to be honest with you.... I was not sad to see you go. You brought us lots (and lots and lots and lots) of beautiful snow. For that, I am grateful. The middle of winter is much happier for me when the ground is covered with a beautiful white blanket of snow. But with that gorgeous snow, you brought really, really, really cold weather. Bitterly cold. Dangerously cold. Because of this combination of snow and cold, you forced us to stay inside. It's not that we chose to stay home. We were not allowed to leave. It wasn't safe. Lots of snow days. Lots of snowed in days. Lots of no school/no work/no church days. I truly loved the extra family time. It taught us new ways to be with each other and I really feel that we all appreciate each other more. However, as January 31st came to a close, I found myself longing for something new. Something not so cold and snowy. Something that involved activities outside of our house and with other people. A fresh start, if you will. So, with that, I said goodbye to you with a smile on my face......

Dear February,
Did you hear what I said to January?? Because I feel like you weren't really listening. I woke up to the largest snowflakes I have seen in quite some time. Big. HUGE. So much more snow. I could try to put my feelings into words, but really I think Eden summed it up better than I would ever be able to do on my own. Sitting at the breakfast table, she looked out the window then looked back at me and said, with a look of true disappointment (and a bit of frustration), "I really didn't expect February to be like this!"  But don't you worry, February, we aren't going to let you get us down. We put on our snow clothes and went outside. We dug a snow tunnel and threw snowballs and finally built that snowman we've been talking about all winter. And we did this all while it was raining. Because this is Indiana. So, in a blink of an eye that snow turned to rain. It's cool, February, it's cool. We'll roll with your punches. Because I know that, eventually, June WILL show up. And we will be ready....

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