Thursday, December 5, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday, Kate

Dear Kate,
As I rocked you to sleep tonight, listening to ‘Carol of the Bells’, I was suddenly overwhelmed with the flashbacks… 365 days ago I held you tight in my arms in a dark hospital room singing Christmas songs to you as I rocked you to sleep just a few hours after you were born. You fit so snuggly in my arms… such a tiny little munchkin. You were already trying to suck your thumb as you gazed up at me and I already knew you were going to march to the beat of your own little drum. And here we are, 1 year later. I still love to snuggle you, but you sure don’t fit in one arm anymore. As I hold you with both my arms, your arms and legs dangle, you are able to lay your head on my shoulder as you sit on my lap.
Has it really been a year?!
It really has been… and what a fun year it has been. I love being your mom. I love snuggling you and playing with you and watching you grow and learn new things.
You are such a happy, content, joy-filled baby. You are full of smiles and giggles and hugs and kisses. Those smiles truly melt my heart.
Your face lights up when you see a loved one. You are not afraid of new people – you are definitely going to be my most outgoing child!
From the very beginning, you have been eager to be bigger than you need to be. I suppose you just want to keep up with your big sisters. I learned early on that I wasn’t going to be able to stop you from trying to be a big girl, so I’m choosing to sit back and watch you go…and you are giving me a very entertaining show!
You love to play with baby dolls. I think you were probably about 6 months old the first time you picked up a baby doll and just absolutely loved on her. You instinctively knew how to cradle her and rock her. You have since moved on to feeding your babies and bathing them and playing with them. If I was a betting woman, I’d bet you are going to be a great mom!!
You are learning to walk… you are actually pretty decent at it, but for now you are still choosing to crawl most of the time because it is so much faster.
I have loved experiencing so many ‘firsts’ with you this year… first smile, first giggles, first time you reached for me, first time you said ‘mama’ and meant it, first time you crawled, first steps, you even managed to eek in your first tooth before this very first birthday!
Kate, the day you were born all I could do is look at you and marvel at how perfect you were. 1 year later, the post-delivery hormones have long since worn off and I still consider you so, so perfect! 2013 has been a wonderful  year, made so much more perfect because you were here with us… a perfect addition to this crazy family.
I can’t wait to spend your second year with you!!
Love you,

Kate Elizabeth - 1 hour

Kate Elizabeth - 1 year

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Heard Around the House {November Edition}

  • "Um, yeah, but I wish our minivan had a bow on top of it!" -Jada; hmmm... a 'Minnie-van', perhaps?
  • "Really, Daddy? Really?!! You're watching football again??" -Eden; yep, it's a Sunday afternoon.
  • "Eden! I have a great idea. Your pretend name can be Katy and mine can be Perry!" -Jada; that girl loves her some Katy Perry. [Mother hangs her head in shame. This is my fault.]
  • "If I have a lot of kids when I grow up, I will just sell some of them." -Eden; a variation of this comes up every time we talk about adoption. Try as I may, I apparently am not doing a great job explaining what adoption is.
  • "I was just gonna say, if I stay out here a little longer.... we could snuggle!!! ....just sayin'..." -Jada; after I told her repeatedly she needed to go back to bed - she has a bad habit of sneaking back out after Eden falls asleep. Honestly, she almost got me with that snuggle offer... you should have heard how sweet she made it sound.