Sunday, November 24, 2013

2 shoes, tied.

Sunday, November 24, 2013, this happened.

Another step toward independence.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

just a sec.

There are words and phrases in my kids' vocabularies that I wish weren't there. Things that make me shudder when I hear them. Usually, they aren't bad things. They are just things that don't sound right when my kids say them. Most times, they have no idea what they are saying, but even so, it sometimes makes them sound disrespectful. I never like hearing them say these things, but i especially don't like hearing them when I know exactly where they heard them first.... from me.
The most recent addition to this list of "things I wish my kids wouldn't say" is "just a sec", and it is being perfected by my dear Eden.
"Eden, I have a question for you." "Just a sec!"
"Can you please come here?" "Just a sec."
"I need your help, Eden." "Just a sec."
"It's bed time." "Just a sec!"
"Please put your coat on." "Just a sec."
Everything. Everything I say to her is responded to with 'just a sec.' And I am irritated. I was really getting on her about not being so disrespectful and wanting her to listen and obey. And I can honestly say that at first I had no idea where this phrase came from, why she felt it was an acceptable response to absolutely everything that was said to her. Then it hit me.... me. I'm always busy. Always doing something else. Always in the middle of something. Always wanting to make time, but always 'just a sec-ing'.
So I've been trying really hard these past couple weeks to not use that phrase (although, who am I kidding, I'm just replacing it with other terms that mean the exact. same. thing.)
Then, tonight:

Me: "Eden, can you come here, please?"
Eden: "Just a sec!"
Me: [irritated, making mental notes about how I can work with her to stop saying that all the time]
Jada, from another room, seconds later: "Mommy, will you come here?"
Me: "Just a sec!"

Honestly? I really just wish I hadn't noticed I said it. Because it's so much easier to work on other people's issues. Grr.....

Friday, November 1, 2013

Heard around the House {October Edition}

  • "What is that smell? Did an Amish girl use to take ballet?" -Eden; the wonderful aromas of farm country were filling the air outside the ballet studio.
  • "Sick and tired." -Jada; her response when Eden asked her how her butterfly picture looked. 
  • "Mommy, in Sunday school we are learning about Honor. That was not showing honor." -Eden; her response to the 'sick and tired' comment.