Thursday, August 30, 2012

time for a party...

this is a nearly word-for-word  recounting of an actual conversation i had with the oldest this morning.... 
(please read this with as much drama as you can muster up... and don't forget to throw in the extra dramatic hand motions to really get the point across)

ee: i can't find my surprise eyes ANYWHERE!!  i keep looking, but i can't find them!
mom: here they are.... aren't these your surprise eyes??
ee: NO! those are my PARTY eyes.
mom: oh, sorry, i didn't notice the difference.
ee: i don't know what i'm going to do!  ugh... i guess i will just have to go to a party!
mom: i think that sounds like a great idea! that would be fun!
ee: but no one is having a party! there is no party to go to!!
mom: well, why don't you have your own party? you could invite all your friends and have the party at your house.
ee: no, i CAN'T.
mom: why??
ee: because.... i don't have a cake!!!!!
mom: you can make a cake.
mom: well, when you call your friends to invite them to the party, maybe you could just have one of them bring a cake for you. i'm sure they would be happy to help.
ee: no, i can't do that.
mom: why?
ee: i need to BUY a cake. but i DON'T HAVE TIME!!  i guess these will just have to be my surprise eyes and not my party eyes.

and that's it.  definitely disappointed about the lack of 'real' surprise eyes and no time for a party, but i think she has come to terms with it all, as she is currently climbing a mountain (probably just working off some steam and frustrations......)