Friday, February 18, 2011

What is cute at 1pm is not so cute at 1pm

So, yesterday as the girls were napping upstairs, snuggled all cozy in their beds, I ventured downstairs to do some laundry. I was minding my own business, and as I walked out of the laundry room I was greeted by a super smiley 1-year-old. 'Awww... how sweet,' I thought, 'she got out of bed and came to find me... I love that little girl!!'
.....Fast-Forward approximately 12 hours.....
Now mommy is snuggled all cozy in her bed (ok, who am I kidding, these girls have been getting up way too often for me to get too awfully snuggly recently) and here comes that same adorable 1-year-old waddling down the hallway, screaming, looking for a friendly face. So I took her back to bed. And she ventured out again. So, I took my blankie and cozied into the glider in her room to make sure she stayed put. It was not meant to be. After several warnings to get back to bed and lay down, I was just too stinkin' tired to care. So, she got up, stood in the middle of the room sucking her thumb, and analyzed her situation. Then she decided to read some books and play with her games. After awhile, I think she realized that I was not interested in playing, so she shimmied right back over to her bed, climbed back in, and fell asleep....
I wonder how long this phase will last??!?

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