Friday, March 18, 2011

We're going on a date! We're going on a date! We're going on a date!!!

This is the chant that heard over and over again on the way to Fort Wayne last Saturday. No... it wasn't Nate. He doesn't tend to get that excited about going out with me! :)
It was Eden. I decided it had been far too long since her and I spent one-on-one time together, so I left Jada with Nate, and Eden and I took off.
First stop... Build-a-Bear! I'm pretty sure at some point in my life I swore I would never take a child into that store, but sometimes I don't think before I speak. I figured it would be fun and just this one time I could justify spending slightly too much on a teddy bear.... ("slightly too much": understatement of the year)
This is how that store went, in Eden's words: "We pick out my monkey then we give it a heart then we give her a bath then I brush her hair!!" If Mommy could add just one more sentence, it would be this: "Then we spend $35 dollars on accessories for that cute little monkey. I don't remember the last time I spent $35 on accessories for MYSELF!!" But, honestly, I have to admit it was a pretty fun experience. And if I had a money tree growing in my backyard, I would go back. Often. So we left the store with Libby the Monkey in her stunning ballerina outfit, hello kitty panties and, of course, pink rockstar sunglasses.
Next stop... the double-decker carousal. I was pretty stoked when my brave little girl picked the top level to ride on. And for the first time, she held on all by herself and didn't need me hanging on to her with a death grip. Why do kids grow up so fast??? And why did I wish that someone would have been holding on to me?? Seriously... I was so nauseous by the end of the ride I was almost embarrassed! We did a little more shopping then decided it was time for lunch.
Where else does a three year old what to go when she can eat where ever she wants???? McDonalds!!! Or, as we call it in our house, IckDonalds. It was chicken nuggets, french fries, and apple pies for everyone (even Libby).
After that, we went to Target to look for a dress. Because she really wanted a new dress. Well, by the time we got to the dress department, she was totally over it. After finding a pair of Dora socks at the dollar spot, who needs a new dress??! I didn't complain. I'll never turn down an excuse to hang out at Target for awhile.
We had a great time and I can't wait to do it again. In the hustle and bustle of life, it's nice to just take a few hours every once in a while to leave everything behind and just be a kid with your kid. I certainly don't do that enough!!!!